Dive Together Into The Excellence of Swimming Lessons for Kids

3 min readJun 11, 2024


swimming lessons for children

Hello, wonderful parents of Singapore! Navigating the vast ocean of swimming lessons for children can be overwhelming. But what if we told you there is a place where the water is perfect, the curriculum is world-class, and every child is treated like a budding champion? Welcome to Ace Dolphin Swim School, where the magic of Singapore swimming meets the excellence of the Tatsuki (TJAP) curriculum.

Swimming Lessons for Children: A Gateway to Lifelong Benefits

Swimming can be a fun and recreational activity. But when you look closer, primarily through the lens of a parent, you will realize it is so much more. At our Swim School, we teach kids how to swim and introduce them to a world of benefits that will cater to them well throughout their lives.

Safety First: Becoming Water-Confident

Living in Singapore, an island paradise, water is an ever-present element in our lives. Beach outings, pool parties, or even simple weekend splash-water activities are integral to our culture. But with fun comes responsibility. Swimming lessons for kids at our swim school ensure your child is equipped with essential water safety skills.

Imagine the peace of mind you would have knowing your child can confidently navigate the waters. It is not just about preventing accidents; it is about instilling a sense of respect for the water. We emphasize understanding the water environment, recognizing potential hazards, and knowing how to respond to unexpected situations. This foundational knowledge ensures that every water escapade is both fun and safe.

The Tatsuki Japan (TJAP) Curriculum incorporates clothes swimming as a standard module in swimming lessons for children. It is because accidents like falling overboard can be hazardous, and wearing clothing helps children prepare for such incidents and react well, increasing their survivability. This approach is crucial for children’s safety.

Physical Wellness: A Symphony of Health Benefits

Swimming is a harmonious dance that engages every muscle group. It is a full-body workout that promotes cardiovascular health, enhances muscle strength, and improves joint flexibility. For children whose bodies are still growing, swimming aids in developing a robust musculoskeletal system.

But the benefits aren’t just muscular. Swimming also aids in lung capacity and promotes better breathing techniques. The resistance of water means that a child has to put in more effort to move, leading to improved strength and stamina. Over time, regular swimming can lead to better posture and even improved balance and coordination.

Mental and Emotional Growth: The Calm Beneath the Waves

The pool isn’t just a place for physical exertion; it’s a sanctuary for the mind. The rhythmic strokes, the sensation of floating, and the gentle lapping of water have a meditative quality. Swimming has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, even in children. The concentration required to master strokes and techniques can translate to better focus in academic pursuits.

Learning to swim in Ace Dolphin Swim School instills a sense of achievement and self-esteem in children. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, children are constantly rewarded, and their self-esteem is reinforced. This approach also helps maintain passion and interest in swimming, making students eagerly anticipate their following lessons.

The Tatsuki Curriculum: A Fusion of Japanese Precision and Singaporean Context

Have you ever come across the term Tatsuki curriculum? If not, let’s introduce you to this game-changer.

Progressive and Structured Learning

Originating from Japan, the Tatsuki curriculum is renowned for its systematic approach. It’s like building a skyscraper — you start with a robust foundation and then rise, floor by floor. From basic water comfort exercises to advanced strokes, the curriculum ensures a smooth progression.

Adapted for Our Little Singaporeans

While the Tatsuki curriculum’s essence is Japanese, we’ve given it a Singaporean touch. It ensures that swimming lessons for kids resonate with our local culture and context, making them relatable and compelling. We’ve also combined them with Singapore’s Swim Safer Programme as part of our localization of the curriculum.

Ace Dolphin Swim School is your trusted partner in nurturing confident, skilled, and happy swimmers. Join us for more about your swimming lessons for kids.




Swimming lessons in Singapore for people of all ages. For children and adults, we provide both group and private swimming instruction provided